Maryann VanHook

Maryann Van Hook facilitates therapy groups in the Batterers’ Intervention Program (BIP) at Sowers of Seeds Counseling which is certified by the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Like some of the other staff members, she was first introduced to the agency when she served an internship while pursuing her education. Maryann earned her Associate of Science degree in Human Services with a certificate in Substance Abuse Counseling at IVY Tech Community College and her Bachelor’s degree in Additions Counseling from Indiana Wesleyan University. Maryanna is credentialed as a Certified Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor by the Indiana Counselors Association on Alcohol and Drug Abuse. She developed an interest in overcoming domestic violence and began training in the Batterers’ Intervention Program, as well. Today, she balances her family life with her education and career as a professional working to intervene with people convicted of domestic violence.
Thomas Birochfield

I have always wanted to be a helper which is why when I joined the U.S. Navy I became a Hospital Corpsman. I also began using marijuana and drinking while in the Navy and shortly after being discharged I was introduced to Methamphetamines by my biological father. We shared a drug relationship for eight months until I was admitted to an inpatient treatment facility in California. Upon completion of the treatment program I returned to Florida and began using almost immediately and continued for the next nine years. After recommitting to my sobriety in 2006 I attempted repeated interventions in my mother’s opioid addiction. Unfortunately these attempts were unsuccessful and my mother lost her battle with addiction in March 2013. This event set into motion my educational path to working on my degree in social work with a passionate focus on addictions. I have since completed as Associates of Science in Ivy Tech’s Human Services Program while earning an Addictions Studies Certificate and am currently working towards a Bachelor’s Degree in social work with intent to complete a Master’s program. While at Ivy Tech I crossed paths with Sower’s of Seeds Counseling as a student intern and was asked to join their team to serving those who need it most.
Suzzann Bottoms

Suzzann Bottoms has accumulated 25 plus years’ experience in the social service field. She spent fifteen years working with offender populations, six years working with high risk youth, and four years as a Victim Advocate. She is an honors graduate from Ivy Tech with an Associates Degree in Human Services with a Substance Abuse Certificate. Suzzann has also earned her Bachelors of Social Work (BSW) degree from Ball State University. Currently she is the Director of our Batterers Intervention Program, certified through the Indiana Coalition against Domestic Violence. She also facilitates workshops on parenting, anger, and a one day substance abuse workshop. Suzzann’s personal mission is to educate communities on living a nonviolent life style.
Monte Bottoms

Spring Browne

My role in Sowers of Seeds Counseling is Addiction Coordinator/Substance Abuse Counselor. I graduated from Liberty University with my Masters in Human Services Addiction/Recovery. I graduated from IU East with my Bachelors in Social Work. After graduating with my BSW, I worked with the mental health population for several years as a Clinical Case Coordinator. I then expanded my experience working in home based services for many years in a Homebuilders program as a practitioner to assist families in preservation and reunification. I have also worked in a MAT facility, which taught me a new level of addictions. I continued with the addiction population with my Masters degree by working in residential treatment as a Substance Abuse Counselor where I facilitated group and individual counseling. My passion is addiction and recovery for many different reasons. I have been sober for 17 years, thankful to God and the 12 step program of AA and NA. I was raised in an alcoholic home along with parents who had history of mental illness and domestic violence. I am also a mother of a recovering addict. I have worked with several different populations, such as, chronically mentally ill, geriatric, IDD, residential and outpatient addiction. I have been married for 13 years with 3 biological children and 3 stepchildren. I am a grandmother of 10. I am active in ministry, in sign language and interpretive dance along with speaking in different churches and addiction facilities throughout the United States about my own life in addiction.
Alex Valdez

Alex is an enthusiastic Hoosier who was transplanted to Anderson, Indiana, from southern California. Anderson, Indiana is where his wife, Denise, was born and raised. Alex has the distinction of being totally blind since the age of seven. He has transcended what most would consider a disability by challenging the perceptions of disability limitations through his career and the manner in which he lives his life. Alex has been a professional stand-up comedian for 39 years and more notably, a professional corporate and agovernment trainer for 22 years. He educates professionals on disability awareness, ADA law, and the abilities of those considered to be disabled. Throughout his travels, Alex found that Midwest values resonated with his core values of God, flag, and country. Alex has been blessed with 26 years of sobriety one day at a time. Alex says, “I pray that every person I work with I can give them what I have been given freely, a life clean and sober. Sobriety has not made my life easier, but it has made my life a whole lot better.”
Tesse Keesling

I am the Case Manager and peer recovery Coach for the clients residing in the Sowers of Seeds Recovery home. As a Case Manager I assists the women with daily tasks, helping them transition from probation, prison, or jail into independent living. As a peer recovery coach, I uses a strength-based approach as she guides and supports the clients in recovery. I graduated from Ivy Tech Community College’s Human Services Program in May 2017. I am currently enrolled in the Bachelors of Social Work program at Indiana Wesleyan University. I plan to continue my education by obtaining a Masters in Social Work. I became an employee of Sowers of Seeds after completing her internship for her Human Service Degree. One of my greatest passions is helping others. I brings my knowledge and real life experiences to Sowers of Seeds through passion and dedication to help those who are suffering from addiction. Through my education, training and personal experience I am eager to help those who need it most.
Sharron Logan

I am the Administrative Assistant for both the Anderson and New Castle Recovery Homes. I graduated from New Castle Chrysler High School. I am the mother of 3 daughters, 10 granddaughters, 2 grandsons, 2 great-granddaughters and 2 great-grandsons. I have been the Database Manager for the Bible Study Fellowship International since 2004 when I was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis. Since God chose to spare my life, I would like to help in any way I can to influence the girls we share our services with.

Left to right, top to bottom:
Maryann VanHook, Thomas Birochfield, Suzzann Bottoms, Monte Bottoms, Spring Browne, Alex Valdez, Tesse Keesling & Sharron Logan